Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

I love me some fireworks! So shiny.

Sorry. I went to space for a minute there. Shiny, like my mani today! I also love me some orly metallics.  I started my whole collection with some boring Sally Hansons and Wet n Wild.  When I started reading nail blogs, I ran out and bought Orly Dazzle. That was in November, now I'm on my second bottle.  I started lemming Sweet Peacock shortly after that. Guess what? Just a few months ago, Orly brought it back! I snatched that one up quick. Finally just the other day I bought Orly Rock It.  It's gorgeous! So what does all this mean?

Super Shiny 4th of July Mani!!!


Shiny fireworks and wavy flags and happiness. These pictures do not do it justice at all. 

I really love all these polishes, they are super easy to apply, opaque in only two coats! They are also great stamping polishes, perfectly beautiful over black.  Actually I lie, I have not tried to stamp with Rock It (red), but I bet it's great. 

Since this is a scheduled post, I have no idea what I am doing today. I think I am seeing Spider Man. The new one of course.  Hopefully with some friends. Well, thank you all for reading.

Have a great 4th!

As always, Happy Manicures!