Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm gonna SPLODE!

Ok, I did this actually this past weekend. I found this tutorial on Let Them Have Polish and just had to do it. If any of you really know me, you know my obsession with owls. I love them even though they are made entirely of feathers and rage. So, I took 17 different polishes and made this lovely art:

The pics are long and skinny cuz I took em on my phone, which has much better color sense than my camera, go figure.

So, from Pinky to Thumb here goes: (order is base, belly, glitter)
Pinky- WTFuschia by Blackheart Beauty, Pink Voltage by China Glaze, and a light pink glitter from Bon Bons
Ring- Jealous Type by Blackheart Beauty, I'm With the Lifeguard by China Glaze, and Cosmic by Jordana
Middle- Safety Dance by Blackheart Beauty, Orange You Hot? by China Glaze, and Dani-Mite by Nails By Laura
Index- Blue Me by Blackheart Beauty, Blue Raspberry Taffy by Fingerpaints, and Royally Screwed by Blackheart Beauty
Thumb- Main Squeeze by Blackheart Beauty, No Hard Feelings by Sally Hanson, and Cheatin' by Pure Ice

You may be saying, that's only 15, you can't count. I would say Can too! There is also Superstar by Pure Ice (white) and Ebony Hates Chris by Wet n Wild (Black) so there.

I love this mani and I have some more in the works for this style, kind of a french tip thing.

Okay, I love you, Buh-Bye!

Happy Manicures!


  1. Coma inducing cute!

    1. Owls are like cute fluffy snakes, that produce science class activities.

  2. Hi! I tagged you with the Liebster blog award. Please follow this link to my blogpost and answer the questions and keep this tag going :D

  3. That is sooo cute, you did an awesome job!
