Friday, August 17, 2012

Manglaze, My new favorite Polish!

OK, first of all, Manglaze is the shiznite!  It is the original Matte Nail Polish. I love their names for the colors too, for example: today's is Fuggin Ugly, I also have Matte is Murder, and I am getting Mayonnaise. Some other colors they have are Butt Taco, Fuck Off and Die, and Lesbihonest. The polishes are pretty inexpensive and available on their Facebook page(normally, right now it's down), and also on amazon. They will have a whole website of their own soon though so watch for that. This is a no nonsense in your face brand and one of the things they like is for you to take a pic of your polish while flipping off the camera and putting it on their Facebook page. You can check out them and all their hi-jinx HERE. Without any further ado, I give you: Fuggin Ugly!

As you can see, it's a great gunmetal grey with a nice shimmer to it. It reminds me of asphalt for some reason. I thought the skulls were the perfect addition.
Oh, and their labels are all designed by independent artists specifically for each color, this one is great cus it has an anime chick on it, love it!

 They rock!

This polish is incredible. Super smooth easy to use, covers in two coats. It dries super fast too, because its a matte finish I think. They've got a great range of colors. I am really excited for Mayonnaise, it's a shimmery white matte. I am gonna do a gradient with my black grey and white. Possible some lightning with the white over black. I'm also getting a surprise color cuz I won a contest over at The Polish Zombie's blog. Check her out, she's really awesome! She and I are becoming pretty good friends through Facebook. All right, I guess that's it for today.

Happy MAN-icures!


  1. LoveloveLOOOVEEE ManGlaze so hard! Mayo is gorgeous matte or shiny, it's got silvery shimmer so it's super pretty!

    I'm totally jealous of your nails too. My poor lil nubs.

  2. I know, I was gonna say on your blog, those poor nubbins. I remember last time I had acrylics it took soooooooo long for my nails to heal from taking them off. Blah. Thank you for being jealous of mine though. lol

    1. Of course I'm jealous! LOOK AT THEM! Bah. The only good thing to come from my gels is that on my left hand the nail beds grew out some...which helps. My right are still super short nubs but the left are somewhat passable. ...they at least look better than the right.

  3. I love Manglaze though to get hold of them in Australia means they're not that cheap but still, they're well worth it. Because they're soooo quick drying and need no TC they've become my 'go-to' polish when I'm in a rush or just can't be arsed. A great brand!

  4. I have a shiny for you!
